Wednesday, May 24, 2006

And now for a few photos...

Here are the photos that have been/ are going to be published in the paper. All images are the copyright of the Odessa American.

This first photo is from the gelatin fight I described in my earlier post. This is one of the 4th grade teachers, Shilo Duckworth, attempting to duck the globs of gelatin headed her way.

This is a shot of Travis Lee, senior shortstop for the Crane High School Golden Crane baseball team taking a few swings during the work-out Tuesday.

This last photo is from today, and it is of a first grader, Daisy Lujan, from Pease Elemntary in Odessa. Daisy was one of 5 students who won a coloring contest for the Harmony Home, a local organization that combats child abuse.

Overall, I think these photos are ok, but I know that I can do much better and plan on doing so in the coming weeks. Today, I shot two assignments on my own (the coloring contest was on of them, the other one is still on my memory card and it's too late to download it now). I feel like I will get the hang of things pretty soon, and the guys at work are really helping me.

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