Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What I'm working on today

I'm trying to produce an audio slideshow of photos from the boxing gym that I have been shooting at on and off for the past 6 or 7 months now. It's the audio recording that is holding me up right now, I pretty much have the photos down, but recording audio is something that takes a new set of skills. I know I can have those skills, but I need to develop them. I've already gotten an interview with Geno, the man who runs the gym but it's the natural audio that is killing me. I think I didn't do enough research on the mic I borrowed from my advisor, Cade White . I honestly ran out and just jumped into trying to record audio without much thought to it.
I'll probably be going back tonight to get more and hopefully I will be better prepared. I will post the slideshow here whenever I finally get it done.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

I’m not sure if this is what you are trying to do, but here’s my two cents. Try to do the interview in a very quite place. Turn off air conditioners, the whole nine yards. Also record the gym ambiance. Then if you want it to sound like he is in the gym you can layer some of that background noise in later. This will allow you to control that background level.
What mic are you using? I am in an audio production class right now, so your blog caught my eye.
Sarah Gibson