Wednesday, November 15, 2006

A few photos

I haven't been very good at posting photos lately, probably because I haven't actually been shooting much the past two weeks. I did shoot some photos of my family at the park, feeding the ducks. My daughter loved it, she kept screaming at the ducks "Duckies, come see me!". I skipped a class to go with them, and it was probably the best day I had last week. I really enjoy when I can get some time with my family outside the house, it's different than just spending time around the house. I know these aren't professional work, but these are my favorite photos from the past week.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Sunday, November 12

I went over my slideshow with a good friend of mine, Eyakem Gulilat , who has really jumped on the multimedia bandwagon. Eyakem has his own ideas and perspective that make him an interesting artist. He gave me some good advice and went over the slideshow with me and helped me to tighten it up. I am going to post an updated version in the next couple of days. I don't want to get too tied up in this project though, as I feel like I need to move onto something else now. I can still work on the gym project, but I need to work on something newer as well to keep myself sharp.
On another note, I posted my portfolio in an online gallery. Some of you may remember that I had done this a while back on photoshelter, but I cancelled my account because I wasn't really using it for anything else. I used adobe lightroom (a neat little app that is free right now while it is still in beta) to create a web gallery that I copied to my server space at the school. There are a few newer images, so take a look and let me know what you think. My Portfolio

Monday, November 06, 2006

Slideshow video

Here's the slideshow I have been working on. I used iMovie, so the photos aren't as high resolution as I'd like. I wanted to use Soundslides (a program many photogs are using to create flash slideshows) but it cost $40 and I want to check it out more before I go and make a decision about it. If I would have the demo version for this the video would have been watermarked. I would appreciate any feedback, especially on how I can make it better. I want to improve my storytelling skills, so anything you can suggest will help.

Abilene Old School Boxing

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

What I'm working on today

I'm trying to produce an audio slideshow of photos from the boxing gym that I have been shooting at on and off for the past 6 or 7 months now. It's the audio recording that is holding me up right now, I pretty much have the photos down, but recording audio is something that takes a new set of skills. I know I can have those skills, but I need to develop them. I've already gotten an interview with Geno, the man who runs the gym but it's the natural audio that is killing me. I think I didn't do enough research on the mic I borrowed from my advisor, Cade White . I honestly ran out and just jumped into trying to record audio without much thought to it.
I'll probably be going back tonight to get more and hopefully I will be better prepared. I will post the slideshow here whenever I finally get it done.