Friday, September 29, 2006

An update!

So things have been pretty busy around here. I have neglected the blog for awhile but I am hoping to get back in the habit of posting here often. Tonight I went to a local hot air balloon festival. I haven't been shooting much for my own lately, so it was fun to get out and use my camera without the pressure of absolutely having to bring something back. The funny thing is that I will probably end up using some of the images for one of my classes, so there was a little more to it than just having fun. I guess I can't shoot for the pure love of photography anymore. Also, when you shoot for fun you don't get paid, which kind of sucks.

Lately I have been getting paid nearly every time shoot, so that is a great improvement from where I stood this time last year. I feel like I am finally moving forward at more than just a snail's pace. Maybe there is something good career-wise in my future. But enough ranting, here are the photos from tonight:

The bottom four shots were taken around the RE/MAX balloon which is piloted by Wayne Standefer out of Dallas, TX area. Standefer is the guy with the striped shirt in the basket. He need quite a few people to weigh down the balloon after he got it filled up as the wind was to strong to actually take off. The pilots will light up there balloons for the crowd, whether or not they can actually take off. This part of the evening is called "the Glow" and, as expected, is one of the most popular parts of the evening.


Dom and Trey said...

Hey I went to the festival and took pictures too. Your pictures look so much better than mine, I guess that's why your the professional.

Emily said...

Gary, I love love love love that first photo. Awesome shot.

Rachel said...

dude gary, way to blow my balloon shots waaaaay out of the water. I agree with Emily, the first shot is absolutely amazing. I like the second one alot too, the lighting is great.

Anonymous said...

I love these photos of the hot air balloons. I especially love the first one of the man behind the flag.

Good job. God Bless!